Top Reasons to Switch to a Digital Business Card TODAY

Business cards are handy and an efficient way of having all your credentials, contact details, and even social networks in one place. It is an excellent way for your customers or clients to know all about your services or business. Most people have numerous business cards printed at once, and are sometimes left with a surplus when any of the details change. However, like everything else, the concept of business cards is also evolving. Many young entrepreneurs are transitioning towards digital business cards instead of printed ones. Here are some reasons why this a brilliant idea:

You can change your details at any time 

The best part about having digital business cards is that you can change, edit or modify your card at any time without worrying about wasting the already printed cards. Whether you want to change your address or contact details, you can add or remove information from your business card without any hindrance. Digital business cards allow you to be flexible and dynamic, and you never have to stop yourself from evolving. 

It is infinitely more cost effective

As a founder of a business, you want to maximize your revenues and your profits, so that you can invest it back into your business. The strategic thing to do is to cut down your costs and be smart about your investments. Printing business cards can be quite expensive, and let’s be honest, if you can get a better job done at a lower cost, why wouldn’t you go for that?? Also if you end up modifying your business card details, you will be wasting the stack of previously printed cards. A digital business card is a fraction of the cost of traditional business cards, and will last much longer. 

Add any custom links

Digital business cards also offer the ability to add any URL link to your profile, which means you can have your website, a catalog, a form, and even synch your calendar with your digital business card.

The sky is the limit

Having a digital business card has numerous other perks and these small things can actually help you a lot by making it easy to do everything in one place. You can make or receive online payments, share your favorite music and media, and even connect to numerous social networking apps. You can also toggle your profile to only share one point of contact at a time, perfect for those times you want to share something social without divulging business details and vice versa.

With all of the great reasons to switch to digital business cards, what are you waiting for??? The digital business card gives you the freedom to be innovative and creative with your ideas, and the liberty to add a personal touch to your business cards as your business evolves over time. Start shopping for the perfect style now!